So, as you have noticed in many posts, I buy nice clothing for my girls. Everyone needs a hobby, and this one is safe, hopefully harmless(aside from a few Esther tantrums in the mornings during daily wardrobe choices), addicting(as is typical of most hobbies), is fun(as is typical of most hobbies..why the hell else would you do it...duh), and makes me smile. Since it is a large part of my life, I will continue to share photos of the girls in their latest adorable outfits, and share the clothing brand names, and also probably where I bought it from - I would appreciate your support in this as it amuses me so.
I thought that dressing my girls in the latest and greatest styles, and having a unique and keen fashion sense was something of my own, that I established, learned and built upon...but no, it seems it is just genetic...see, just look at where I came grandparents, mom, aunts and uncle were stylin' way before I started learning fashions evil ways...I am so unoriginal sometimes.
they are quite stylish.
Oh my goodness. Look at the hairstyles... love it!!!!
Nice of you to share Tracy, I know you have always loved this one.
Love, AS
This was taken in 1972 the peak of fashion! If you look at this picture and see all the colors I can now understand the variety Eloise and Esther have with their fashion statememt! The curls in the hair were called flirt curls - you teased the hair, made a flirt curl then spray a can of hair spray until nothing moved. To keep that lovely style we wrapped our heads in toilet paper and slept on silk pillows. If you look at the youngest girl (Gail is her name) the style of the dress is pretty close to E & E style.
Sorry, I haven't read your blog lately. Seeing this picture was actually very nice. Not the fashions and hairstyle, but seeing how young and thin we used to be. Brought tears to my eyes seeing Grandma. Thanks. Love you. Aunt P
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