..you can find a cozy spot to read...
...and feel the outside breeze...
..and really enjoy my lovingly planted window box...
In all seriousness, we moved this old, stinky, loved couch out to the curb a few days ago. It was the first piece of furniture that Jed and I bought together 8 years ago. It has been our everyday couch - that has been spilled on, puked on, cat-scratched on, eaten on, peed on, nursed on, probably baby pooped on..and well..well loved. :-) Finally I had enough of the cleaning of it, scrubbing of it and well, probably smelling of it, and threw it out to the curb for some lovely college kid to own. We figured that if it wasn't taken in a day, we would just haul it off...however, after 3 days we find ourselves enjoy lounging at the curb in the evening. Tomorrow we plan on adding an end table, lamp, t.v. and fridge to the new room. YeeHaw! Our neighbors must be thrilled.
That is TOOOO funny
oh dear.
and i really DID want to be neighbors.
before this.
then again, there ARE the mjc trunk shows. decisions decisions.
Funny! They look pretty comfy. As I was reading I thought you were fixing up your porch - dah! What a great spot.
I also thought you were fixing up the porch - this is pretty funny. Maybe you should move the couch down a few blocks at night and let someone else take care of it - ha ha
Hey, with the couch out front in the yard you'd fit right in our small town. LOL!
I just want to know what you replaced it with...
and doesn't your neighborhood have an ordinance against that? Seems like they would....
That is too funny! I am surprised no one has come and picked it up! LOL
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