..I took my girls to see the Wiggles LIVE last week. I now have to come clean and tell you that they really don't even like the Wiggles anymore...Yes, Esther went through a stage where she LOVED the Wiggles and was obsessed with Dorothy the Dinosaur..see, exhibit A..her 3 year old birthday cake... ..but sadly, the Wiggles just aren't their cup of tea anymore. Last month when I heard the Wiggles were coming to town, I ordered tickets for us to go...2nd row...near the stage...near Anthony. My girls didn't seem to care..hhmm..I had to take them though, as it would look so obvious for me to go alone and stare at...Anthony.
So now, I am coming clean...YES I MADE my girls GO to the WIGGLES just so I could be near...Anthony, the blue Wiggle. I am simply ga-ga over him..and you know what, he touched me at the concert..he came down from the stage..and oh my word...it was heaven..he was so sweaty and lovely..and LIVE in concert..what a Wiggly World. ..not feeling too badly though, as I did spy a few groups of ladies WITHOUT their kids screaming for Anthony..now how obvious is that...my word. xoxo, t
..oh, as they sing, and the kids are hearing "Yummy Yummy" and "Five Little Ducks" - this is the song that is going through my mind...
Was it the same without Greg the yellow Wiggle? I was sad when they announced he was ill and leaving the group. Unfortunately, the kids loved the music and now I have all the songs stuck in my head FOREVER!!!!! Brain cells wasted. I need all I can get!
I am an easily addicted, hard to sidetrack, apron wearing mom to 3 perfect girls of course. I have a husband and a cat too. I am always searching for that perfect cup of coffee.
oh wow, t. i don't know what to say. does jed know you're in love w/ the blue wiggle?
is it just me or does that sound really really dirty? LMBO
LOL, The Wiggles creep me out!!!
OMG -too funny!
Did you throw your bra on stage?
Yes, Melanie - Jed knows about my Anthony obsession..and rolls his eyes when I make the girls watch Wiggles DVD's..lol
..and Andrea - I don't wear a bra, what are you thinking? ;-)
Was it the same without Greg the yellow Wiggle? I was sad when they announced he was ill and leaving the group. Unfortunately, the kids loved the music and now I have all the songs stuck in my head FOREVER!!!!! Brain cells wasted. I need all I can get!
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