But that doesn't happen. They break-off into pairs and one sits alone. I never knew that even with siblings, three is a crowd.
Esther is the lucky one as the only 2 pairings I see are Astrid/Esther or Eloise/Esther. Eloise will play with Astrid if I ask her to, but she asks me to put a time-frame on just exactly how long she has to sit and play with her. She has things to do that don't involve a drooly baby. Maybe she is already tired of always being the big sister. Mainly she just doesn't like playing silly baby games. She would rather read or write or play a game with Esther.
I feel kind of sad to see someone always alone watching the other 2 play. Is this typical? Is 3 really a crowd?
Very sadly...yes, this is exactly the case in our house as well. You could literally exchange the names in this scenario and you would have described our every day.
I hate it.
Hmmm, you know what? Now that I think about it, I notice a pairing up very often among my kiddos. But I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing - each pairing sort of has it's own dynamic that's all good and kind of just flows.
And now that I think about it,too, when the now older kiddos were littler my younger boy was definitely the Esther of the situation - he was never the one alone.
If someone is ever actually for real feeling left out then I do try to figure out a way for all to play together. Usually, however, the pairings are fine and everyone is okay with it So... far be it from me to stir the pot..... ;)
Yep, 3's a crowd in our house too....somebody is always left out of the group here as well.
Perhaps you should think about baby number 4. :o) BUT, nomatter how many children you add to the mix, I think it boils down to personalities. Not everyone was meant to be best friends. Ask Michelle, her kids sure seem to have bonded. The photos are gorgeous, by the way. As always.
I went back to look closer at the pics and I have to say... the eye contact in picture number one~ so cute. The baby feet in pic number two~ can I have her please? And, in pic number three~ Esther is holding on to Astrid's foot. See~ she loves those baby feet, too! These photos are adorable.
I will warn you that it was just this kind of thinking that brought baby #4 to our house.
I like to call Ella our glue, because she bring the other kids together in ways I can't explain. She can pair off with anyone and make it work. She was the perfect solution to our odd man out problem.
I have no comment on the three is a crowd theme... but I just have to say, I'm super jealous your girls have those stinkin' adorable NAS dresses!!!!
...just for the record, I am too old and tired for a 4th...lol.
...and NAS dresses make me very happy.
xoxo, t
Baby NAS!?!? Oh goodness I think I want another girl just so I can match Isabelle in her blue tank dress! ;o)
Yes, I think it's normal. I see it now with my 3 older girls. And I'm grateful I have a 4th coming up to even things out a bit. Doesn't help that my 1st and 2nd are like oil and water.
I was the oldest of three, and that was the case when we were growing up. I see it now too with M, G, and R. Gan is Esther.
Here's the good news though - my brother, sister and I would all say that we're equally close to each other - we need each other for different things. It'll all work out, I promise.
Love you.
I can't give you any advice today, but thank you for making me think it was summer, with those adorable dresses and your sunny yellow porch!
Just want to say that, WOW, in that first picture, I can soooooooooooo see the resemblance between Esther and Astrid!
Think of how much you cherish your alone time... It's not a bad thing, learning to enjoy yourself.
Dreamy Girls...
i want #4 because of this problem.. we have the same thing in our house.
Awwww, I love the matching sisters! I contemplate (in my very insane moments) a fourth baby b/c I'd love someone for Leo. But like Mathmom said, he is kind of our easy glue who makes everyone happy and who everyone can get along with.
My girls are like Planet Pink's oil and water and it's so sad to me. But, for now, they all play fairly well together. It will be interesting to see if this changes when Leo gets bigger.
I wonder if it's different having two girls, close-ish in age, and then a boy? I don't know...
yep, there are more 'popular' siblings at my house. Right now it's Stefan, but it shifts and changes with years and interests. I think first children tend to be a little aloof-- after all, the world DOES revolve around them. ;)
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