Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We the People...

..of the United States of America will today have a new President. Life is good. Yes, amid war, recession, poor international relationships, job loss, poverty and strife. We Americans have hope. Not just hope for our new president, but hope for ourselves and hope for our futures. It is nice to have hope again. Hope for a UNITED States of American again.

Mainly and selflessly as a mother, I want hope for my children's future. This inauguration is significant in our history, and this will most likely be the first president that my children remember. My first presidential memory is of President Gerald Ford. We all have our first presidents ingrained in our memory. It is that important.

The inauguration IS significant today. Sure, maybe a bit Hollywood for some tastes, a bit overdone, a bit over covered, a bit over sensationalized. President-elect Obama has such a tough job ahead..but he has hope for all of us. Hope that WE the people give service to our nation and our neighbors, and WE the people participate fully and positively in our greater World. That WE the people teach our children to make this a better place and to instill the responsibility that it will take. Something as simple as just voting and letting your voice be heard.

Esther voted in November - her first of many elections..and she KNOWS who President-elect Obama is, and his lovely wife and the names of his daughters(and perhaps the brand names of what they are wearing). I think she already gets it - as she watches MSNBC with me, she asks important questions that I cannot believe are being asked by a 3 year old. Even she gets it.

I wish that I could write a more eloquent post today, but the pen is not my strength. If you really want to read about how important it is that we work together for a better now and future, I suggest you go read about it here. Michelle is a talented writer, amazing mother, good friend and just all around lovely and talented lady. I may not believe in her faith or agree with her politics, but our differences make us friends and I admire her greatly.

So today as Esther and I watch the inauguration on TV - channel flipping - but resting on MSNBC the most(I have a bit of a thing for Keith Olbermann), we will see history in the making and I pray to God, the Uniting of a Nation and our World.

xoxo, t


Melanie said...

How did you change the margins on your blog? I need room to stretch out my cynicism. LOL

Tracy said...

Yes, that is what you need Mel, more room. LMBO. Love ya!

Melanie said...

No seriously, how do you change the margins?

Tracy said...

My template is Minima Lefty Stretch...you need to select a "stretch" template to be able to use all of the space. But, if you do that - you won't be able to use some other custom template also as your content will be in your margins now instead of purdy designs. xoxo,t

Melanie said...

Thank you! :)

Heather said...

what a great day! and i about fell over when i read about your little thing with keith olbermann! LOL! i have that too. and have gotten myself in trouble for sharing him with others. apparently, others don't share the love. LOL!

Tracy said...

Thanks, Heather. I will have to tell my husband that I am NOT alone in my lust of Keith. ;)

AFC said...

We watched the inauguration at Hayley's preschool. I was teaching today so i was able to go up to her room to watch it with her. All the little kids had made Obama flags and they were cheering and waving. It was an amazing day and an amazing experience and a little extra special for my sweet girl to see a man who looks like her daddy be sworn in as president.

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