Last week - homework was more in depth. Each student had to make a shoebox/cardboard building for their class town. Eloise wanted to make a pet shop, which seemed strange to me as she dislikes animals. Also - 9 other kids were already making pet shops. I told her that in this economy, we needed to differentiate. With 10 pet shops in a town of 24 buildings, most of us were bound to go out of business! I also told her that we shouldn't do luxury - like restaurants or movie theaters or jewelry stores. We need a solid business that will thrive in this economy and support green efforts for our planet.
Eloise stared at me and wondered why she didn't have a normal mom who just let her build a pet shop like the lucky other 9 kids in her class who were sitting at home right now gluing Little Pet Shop guys to cardboard.
I suggested a clothing consignment shop. Eloise agreed, but only if she could use Barbies - even if they are not politically correct(or anatomically correct) in many circles. A compromise was reached and the planning and building began.
We used my Barbies - with 1966 still engraved on their butts, and the clothing circa 1966-1972. So, it is more of a retro consignment shop - but fabulous just the same. Eloise and I carefully picked out and attached wallpaper, carpet and curtains inside...and took great effort into choosing the best dresses for display. Eloise made a shoe display - with go-go boots proudly shown. Eloise was most proud of her garden and vines that she drew on the outside walls.
I have to say that it is an original in the town they made. And no, nothing you see here is actually for sale, so paws off ebay crazies.
Love it! Great job. Eloise has so much to learn about the imagination of her Mother.
This is absolutely fantastic! I love, love, LOVE it! What a fun project for mommy & daughter. You know I had parents that always encouraged me to be a little different...not so fun at the time, but so worth it now! Have a beautiful day!
What a fabulous idea! Let me know the comments she receives at school.
That is fantastic -go Eloise! I have my eye on that ivory ballgown -you sure you wouldn't let it go? :) I wish we had a Barbie consignment shop in my town!
Oh i wish I had known about the homework assignment, I have Barbie's 1970's wear, complete with GoGo boots and skating costume! We could have done a 3 decade retro shop.
Very creative and economically savvy!
Ingenious! I was wondering why the shop appealed to me so much, that was answered when I came to the part that these were from your vintage Barbie collection. I have a suitcase of those someplace around here too, LOL.
I LOVE it! You'll have to save that. It's a treasure.
And I am sure that no one will be able to tell that she is your know, it is never too early to get her started on a business of her own...she could make some serious money! To heck with turning the porch into a seating area, how about her own consignment shop? That girl has talent.
i love it too! that is awesome! cool mom and cool kid...for sure!
That is simply AWESOME! So very, very cool and unique and different!
That is so cool! What a great addition to the shopping center.
I also just love how the cat is ready to take Barbie out lol.
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