..for meanest Mom in the World...
Pretty much everyday this Summer, we have gone to the zoo's, the museums, the playgrounds, had picnics, ran through the sprinkler, swam in the pool, had friends over, had play dates, eaten ice cream and just generally enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. I have been assuming these are fun activities and my children have enjoyed them, and thought that I was providing them with a pleasant Summer experience.
Yesterday was one of those days - that for TWO HOURS - yes, life had to go on - we had to go grocery shopping, to Target, to the drug store, the post office, and yes, it is true...we had to vacuum....all clearly, non-fun stuff...but highly necessary. For TWO HOURS my 5 year old gave me an earful of how I am the least "funnest" Mom in the world and I "never" take them anywhere fun or do anything fun with them. After attempting to debate with her on my merits and what I have done with them...for almost two hours...when we got in the car to finally go home after our exhausting journey of evil errands...I turned up the radio to my music and completely ignored her ongoing tiraids of the wrongs of my ways...
Pretty soon - this is what came out of her mouth..."WORLD, please be quiet, I am making a Public Service Announcement..My MOM is the Meanest mom in the whole world because we have NEVER done anything fun and now she is ignoring me..."
I continue to say nothing in the front seat..and pretty soon, the little one next to her, who had stayed strangely quiet eating her non-fun lollipop from the post office says.."I think we really should sell her this time..."
..and the whole time I was just thinking how proud of was of Eloise making a Public Service Announcement...clearly she will either be President, or she is watching way too much TV.