Eloise, will move on to Kindergarten...YAY!!!
The preschool we attend doesn't have a graduation(thank goodness) - that is a bit too corny/strange in my book..our school has an annual art show. It was completely amazing. They decorated the whole school with ALL of the kid's creations from the past year. I can't begin to tell you how proud these kids were to see their numerous, award winning works of art displayed so professionally. It was a very special night.
I wasn't able to take many pictures as it was SOOOO crowded...but please note that all of these pictures were taken inside without flash at ISO 1600 with my 50mm lens - I just had to add that in to let you know I am still practicing my photog skills! Carry on...
Ready to show..
The girls are wearing Matilda Jane in case you were wondering at this point...
Eloise with her BFF(best friend forever)...
Lovely flowers...
Eloise with her favorite teacher..
Our family - note that Eloise DID draw her curly hair...
Eloise with her future husband...
The problem is, he has also committed to marry 2 other girls in the class. Eloise has told me she is okay with this though - that he can marry all 3 of them, and that they each are going to have 10 babies named Jack, Bob, Annie, Anna and Lizzie only..and that all of them will live together in the same house. Sounds like a plan! I can't wait to see what Kindergarten will bring.