Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm too Sexy for my Shirt...

So, my Doctor calls me yesterday and tells me that I have old eggs...and I wore a shorter skirt yesterday and noticed that I am getting my mother's knees...seriously, if I wake-up with my Grandpa's toenails tomorrow, I don't know what I am going to do.


Melanie said...

i would say something sympathetic if your post wasn't so funny.

your eggs are clearly perfect... look at your beautiful daughters. xo

ginny said...

I've never heard of "old" eggs! At least they didn't use the term "rotten eggs". I'd like to know exactly how they determine when an egg is old. And - Missy - what is wrong with my knees? Melanie is right, you do have two beautiful daughters that will grow up some day and make fun of you!

Anonymous said...

you do clearly have fabulous eggs.

big (hugs)

Anonymous said...

Those doctors don't know nuthin'. Old eggs, whatever. How do they explain your two adorable little girls? If that's what "old" eggs make I'd take some old eggs any day!

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