Monday, May 18, 2009


Do you think it's too much to ask for just one of my kids to have freckles like me? Oh, I know they will hate them when they are teenagers and use every formula that Jan Brady(and I) tried to remove them.

But I think at 40, freckles rock.

Don't get me wrong, I love my kids creamy, white and flawless skin. I just want a little freckled face partner in crime some days.

xoxo, t


Melanie said...

Maybe you are cookin' one right now...

Heather said...

now see, i'm totally the opposite. i mean i'm a freckled female and yes i hated them. my aunt em promised they would go away by adulthood. and ya know what? she was wrong! i'm use to them now, i suppose.

but the girls? it is one my life's endeavors to keep the freckles off of their precious skin. i who use to tan with baby oil while laying on the roof...have become a bit of a sunscreen nazi with them.

despite my efforts, those pesky freckles pop up. i keep count! so far they are not freckled per say, but there are a few.

darn freckles.

Grammy said...

I always loved your freckles! They were unique - each one different - not everyone had them - and they looked wonderful on you...

Stacey said...

I too, am a freckle face & shoulders & body... however, they did not begin to appear until I was around 5 years old. All hope is not lost... My son is sprouting a few across the bridge of his nose... and the more he gets... the more he looks like me...

Tina said...

I want one of my girls to get freckles too! :0) I think I have always loves my freckled face & have never tried to rid them! I still have hope that they will appear. :0)

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